AP Economics - Micro

Test #1 Review

The Law of Demand

Inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded

What changes demand? (5 Shifters of Demand)

  1. Tastes and preferences
  2. Number of consumers
  3. Price of related goods- Substitutes and complements
  4. Income
  5. Future expectations

The Law of Supply

Direct relationship between price and quantity supplied

What changes supply? (5 Shifters of Supply)

  1. Prices/availability of inputs (resources)
  2. Number of producers
  3. Technology
  4. Government action: taxes & subsidies
  5. Expectations of future profit

Production Possibilities Curve/Frontier (PPF)

Identify the three shifters of the PPF

  1. Change in resource quantity or quality
  2. Change in Technology
  3. Change in Trade (Doesn’t change the amount they can produce, but it does change the amount they can consume)

Three types of PPF: Constant (The same every for every change), Decreasing, and Increasing

ppf constant and increasing