AP Economics - Micro

Economic Models


  1. What are economic models and why are they so important to economists?
  2. How do three simple models - the production possibly frontier, comparative advantage, and the circular-flow diagram - helps us understand how modern economies work?
  3. Why is an understanding of the difference between positive economics and normative economics important for the real world application of economic principles?
  4. Why do economists sometimes disagree?

Model: a simplified representation of a real situation that is used to better understand real-life situation.

The Production Possibilities Frontier


Opportunity Cost

What Causes Economic Growth?

Two possibilities:

  1. An increase in factors of production: resources used to produce goods and services.
  2. Better technology: the technical means for producing goods and services.

Factors of Production

  1. Land includes natural resources, such as mineral deposits, oil, natural gas, water, and actual land acreage.
  2. Labor is the mental and physical abilities of the workforce.
  3. Physical capital is manufactured items used to produce other goods and services.
  4. Human capital is the educational achievements and skills of the labor force (which increase labor productivity).

Comparative Advantage

Theory of Comparative Advantage:

It makes sense to produce the things you’re especially good at producing… and buy everything else from others.

comparative advantage

Individual and Country Comparative Advantage
Absolute vs Comparative Advantage

Transaction - Circular Flow